Monday, October 4, 2010

UK home blood pressure remedy - Garlic

For ages now blood pressure patients in UK have been advised to consume more and more garlic to control their blood pressure levels and a few flakes of this pungent underground vegetable is said to be the best home remedy for the same. Myriad studies have been conducted to support this belief, which have encouraged more and more people to make the most of this ivory coloured home remedy.

Garlic is said to have Hydrogen Sulphide or H2S that is said to interact with the RBC (Red Blood Corpuscles) present in the human body. This interaction relaxes the blood vessels or capillaries by calming down the smooth muscles of the cell membranes and eventually helping to supervise the HBP (High Blood Pressure). A recent study carried out by the team in South Australia reviewed 11 previous studies to make a compilation of all the studies ever done on this topic and revealed that people who were on garlic supplements daily for 3 to 6 months showed significant decrease in the BO levels of a person. Apart from China and Japan, in Europe, it is UK that leads in consumption of garlic to high HBP effectively. So go gorge on garlic breads and stick but make sure that theya re not too greasey.