Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blood Pressure Symptoms

Blood Pressure Symptoms
In a similar manner to which water is pushed through a garden hosepipe, pressure is required to pump blood around your body. The narrower your veins are the higher the pressure is required to enable the blood to pump around your body. When a doctor or medical physician takes your blood pressure it is ordinarily provided as two readings. The first reading or number is named systolic pressure reading and is quantified as the maximum pressure within your system. The bottom number is called the diastolic pressure reading which measures the lowest pressure in the system.

Whilst many of us think that individuals who suffer with high blood pressure carry with them obvious symptoms the truth is they do not show any symptoms at all. The condition can lead to headaches and in some cases nosebleeds however this is rare and ordinarily no symptoms are noted. The method to ascertain whether or not you're suffering with high blood pressure is to have it checked out by your doctor or medical physician.

A natural reaction if we are in pain or frightened by something is for the pressure of our blood to rise. However, if it remains at a consistently high level it places strain upon your heart. The majority of doctors and medical practitioners will require you to return on several occasions to be tested before making a diagnosis of high blood pressure. Should your readings be consistently higher than 140/90 you will be classed as hypersensitive and various measures will be required to reduce the levels. Should your pressure readings be only slightly elevated your medical practitioner will probably advise you to adjust your lifestyle through losing any excess weight and giving up smoking as well as at the same time ensuring that you do not add salt to your foods and to undertake regular exercise.